We are very excited to announce the launch of our book – BLUEPRINTS for the Residential Contractor WORKBOOK EDITION. It’s been a long time in the making but we are glad to say that we’re publishing very soon. Long has been our intention to help builders in the residential arena – whether rookie or veteran. We have compiled our successful actions in this book – from working with your team to promotion and marketing tactics. This book is dedicated and for residential contractors. It’s meant to be used and executed in the field in order to bring about success to those who use the useful information laid out in these chapters.
Here’s an excerpt from our company president and author, George Papaheraklis:
“I’ve written this book to help the entrepreneurial contractor who wants to take the shortcut to owning his contracting business instead of having his business own him. These pages represent the tried and true successful actions that have gotten me from the barest beginnings to what people consider the influential top of my game. With more than 40 years of experience, being an award-winning contractor and having serviced well over 1,000 homeowners, I’ve reached a level of experience, knowledge, and wisdom that I want to give you.
This book contains simple but powerful and proven truths which, when applied, have exact outcomes. When applied they will help you in your journey and they will bring you success.”
Click the book cover below to be notified once the book is ready!